Booster Program

Selection criteria

The Booster programme aims to help mentees who want to significantly accelerate their growth, using a 3-step programme.

  • You have validated your product market fit
  • Your turnover is over €500,000
  • You employ at least 5 FTEs
  • AND you have an exciting growth plan in mind

The program

This first part of the programme aims to challenge the founders and validate everyone’s motivation and ambitions! What skills does each member of my team hold and what is each person’s role? What is the company’s raison d’être? What is its vision and is this vision shared?

The second part of the program will allow you to build your growth plan. During a 3-day bootcamp you will have the opportunity to identify your growth levers and build the plan that will allow you to achieve your ambition.

In this 3rd part, you will take advantage of the group to challenge yourself, share your experience and support each other.

Selection process

  1. Call for applications

    Once a year

  2. Application video

    Present your goal in 1 minute!

  3. Written application

    Your company vision, business model and the first steps towards your future growth

  4. Pre-validation of applications

    A panel of experts will examine the applications and select the candidates who are ready to go through to the selection committee

  5. Selection committee

    A 10-minute pitch in front of a panel of experts on why you’re the perfect candidate for the Booster programme


Some of our mentees

  • Emna Everard


    Booster mentee

    The Booster programme is all about meeting great people and making personal and strategic reflections. And above all, it’s an incredibly valuable opportunity for sharing experiences!
  • Amélie de Cartier

    Gr'eat Granola

    Booster mentee

    The Booster programme is the perfect opportunity to take a step back and really think about our raison d’être and how to make it a reality. It’s a good reset, allowing you to gain some perspective. I also found the different discussions I had with other entrepreneurs and experts very enriching, all within a supportive environment.
  • Alexandre Cardon

    Dog Chef

    Booster mentee

    The programme was a real game changer for Dog Chef in helping us create a roadmap for ambitious growth.
  • Jonathan Schockaert

    Ring Twice

    Booster mentee

    To put it simply, the Booster Programme boot camp is probably the one piece of training that has provided me with the most value as an entrepreneur to this day. With deeply enriching discussions, the people we met were brilliant, and we totally underestimated the impact of their challenges. Basically, I have no doubt about the value it can bring!
  • Sarah Potvin

    La Finca

    Booster mentee

    The Booster programme helped me view growing our business with greater peace of mind, given that other mentees were going through the same thing and had the same kinds of questions. The REB is a goldmine for meeting people from all areas. And again, the support and coaching for the project leader was truly helpful.

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