The only network in Brussels made up entirely of entrepreneurs

Mission & vision

The REB (Brussels Network of Entrepreneurs) is a strong collective of entrepreneurs who all share deeply human values, with a mission to guide and support other entrepreneurs and help create sustainable jobs in Brussels.

Our mission is to support entrepreneurs who have the potential to create sustainable jobs by passing on the knowledge and experience of other entrepreneurs in the network.

  • Companies still in business after 5 years


  • 88%

    of businesses that received support

  • 60%

    of businesses that did not receive support

Our values

People are what is important: It’s first and foremost the individual and their potential to become an entrepreneur that drives the support from the network, before the quality of the project itself

No financial ties: Members cannot invest in the capital of start-ups currently receiving support. This guarantees neutrality during discussions and avoids conflicts of interest

A spirit of reciprocity: Those that benefit from the network’s support are invited to give back to others what they receive, becoming a link in the chain of mutual support between business leaders

  • Nathan Soret

    Nonante Cinq


    “Today, as I overcome new obstacles, I feel I need to be able to surround myself with experienced people who can help me make the best decisions. The idea of joining a powerful, well-known and recognised network also makes me feel like I belong to a community founded on the idea of mutual support.”